The Quaker Hill Burial Ground Association, Inc. (the “Cemetery Association”) is a not-for-profit corporation responsible for the care and maintenance of five (5) cemeteries, all in the Town of Pawling, New York. They are:
The Quaker Hill Cemetery, 29 Church Road;
The Quaker Cemetery, 701 Old Quaker Hill Road;
The Akin-Toffey Cemetery, off Kirby Hill Road;
The Akin-Leach Cemetery, on Quaker Hill Road;
The Taber Cemetery, off North Quaker Hill Road.
Of the above, only the Quaker Hill and the Quaker Cemeteries are active for burials, but plot sales in the Quaker Cemetery are limited to family members of those in the cemetery. New plots in the Quaker Hill Cemetery are available for purchase.
With the exception of the Taber Cemetery, access to any of the cemeteries is permitted during daylight hours. Access to the Taber Cemetery requires permission from the landowner.
All plots in the Quaker Hill and Quaker Cemeteries are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of New York, and shall not be used for any other purpose than as a burial place for dead human beings.
A letter of agreement will be issued to the purchaser of each plot. The agreement will include plot number and section as they appear on the Cemetery map. Purchaser must provide contact information, including e-mail address, for future correspondence from the Cemetery Association regarding maintenance and operation of the cemeteries. Families of the interred are expected to keep the Cemetery Association aware of future contact information changes.
Sale of the cemetery plot conveys burial rights for human remains and the right to place a monument or marker. Sale does not convey title to the land.
The purchase price is a one-time charge that covers the permanent maintenance of the plot. It must be paid in full before a letter of agreement will be issued, or burial allowed to take place.
Plot owners may dispose of the burial rights under certain conditions:
- If no burial has taken place, the plot will be purchased by the Cemetery Association at the original purchase price.
- If there is a body or cremated remains already interred, the plot can only be transferred to a blood relative. This relative can be as distantly related as the fourth (4th) generation from the original owner. A spouse is not a blood relative.
Burial rights obtained through inheritance shall be recorded with the Cemetery Association by the person receiving the inheritance. If the plot or plots are not specifically mentioned in the will, and are not left to a specific person or persons, ownership passes to the descendants of the owner. Under these circumstances, the surviving spouse does not share in the ownership, but she (he) has an absolute right to be buried with the late husband or wife.
Transfer of rights by gift within a family can be done by giving the Cemetery Association a document of Irrevocable Designation for the person or persons receiving the gift.
No interment shall be allowed without permission being first obtained from the Cemetery Association and payment in full for the plot and interment made to the Cemetery Association. Plot owners are prohibited from allowing interments to be made on their plots for compensation. All Funeral Directors shall provide the Cemetery Association with Certificates of General Liability and Automobile Insurance annually naming the Cemetery Association as Additional Insured.
The marking, digging and filling in of each grave following burial is the responsibility of the Cemetery Association. All other work done in the Cemeteries, including grading and reseeding the grave site, is the responsibility of the Caretaker under the supervision of the President and the Board of Directors. The Funeral Director will provide the Cemetery Association with a Burial-Transit Permit with the name, age and date of birth and death of the deceased, the time and date of the interment, and if not an adult, the name(s) of parent(s) or legal guardians(s) of the deceased.
Burials in these cemeteries are in plots measuring nine (9) feet by four (4) feet. Concrete vaults or grave liners are required for interments in all graves except plots designated for natural burials. In the case of cremation, two (2) canisters or urns, made of wood, metal, plastic, or concrete, may be buried in the same plot. Cremated remains may not be scattered over any part of these cemeteries. Only human (body or cremated) remains are permitted in each grave.
Burials may take place any day of the week, including holidays, providing in the case of the latter, the Funeral Director agrees. Nothing herein shall require the Cemetery Association to provide grave openings and/or interments if they are unable to because of severe weather conditions, or because the ground is frozen. See price list section below.
Disinterment will be allowed at the direction of the Cemetery Association provided the provisions of Section 1510(e) of the NYS Not for Profit Corporation Law are complied with.
No monument or plaque will be allowed to be delivered to the cemeteries until a concrete foundation is installed and ready to receive the monument. The Cemetery Association will install the concrete foundations and invoice the Funeral Director or provider of the monument. All monuments must be constructed of granite or bronze. Granite monuments must only utilize colors of natural stone, and can be of two types: 1) Flush, or 2) Horizontal stone to a height of six (6) inches from the foundation with a flat faced or slant faced vertical stone no higher than sixteen (16) inches set back two to four (2 to 4) inches from all edges of the base. For a monument (other than Flush) marking two (2) graves, the requirements are the same, but the monument can be longer.
Acceptable Shapes and Dimensions for Monuments and Markers
Note: Monument bases can be up to 36” wide for single graves and up to 60” wide for double graves.
The Cemetery Association may repair or remove any monument or marker that has fallen into disrepair and/or creates a dangerous condition, provided that the Cemetery Association has first given the owner at least sixty (60) days to effect repair, and the owner has failed to do so. Any monument or marker that is removed as provided above shall be replaced with a flush bronze or granite marker suitably inscribed.
Planted material can be used to decorate burial plots within 16″ of the front of a monument. Cut flowers or live plants in non-breakable containers can be placed to decorate grave sites. Placing of glass containers as receptacles for flower, either artificial or grown, is prohibited. Any form of decoration containing wire or other metal that can injure maintenance workers is prohibited. The Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths or other decorations from plots as soon as they become unsightly, and to remove, after due notice to the lot owner, any embellishment on the lot, effigy or inscription which, in the opinion of the Cemetery Association, is unsightly, dangerous or inappropriate.
Land occupied by human bodies will remain a cemetery. Should either the Quaker Hill or Quaker Cemeteries no longer have vacant grave sites; the Cemetery Association will continue their maintenance. Should these properties, for whatever reason, be devoted to another purpose, the Cemetery Association will assist in having the bodies disinterred, and buried elsewhere.
Does not include Services of the Funeral Director
Plot Purchase: $1,250.00
Plot Purchase – Natural Burial $1,500.00 (Quaker Hill Cemetery only)
Interment – Full Size Grave: $1.000.00 each, limit 1 per plot
Interment – Cremated Remains: $350.00, limit 2 per plot, or 1 if with casket
Interment – Cremated Pet Remains: $350.00 each, limit 2. Must be included with human burial
Foundation for Monument: $250.00 per square surface foot
Saturday, Sunday and Holiday Burials: $300.00Additional Charges: Additional fees may be charged for winter frost penetration, snow removal or extra excavation to accommodate oversize burial vessels
Acceptable shapes and dimensions for Monuments and Markers can be found when you download the Rules and Regulations, page 4. Please call the office at (845) 855-5304 to discuss any of these Rules and Regulations of any other issues concerning the policies of the cemetery.
Please feel free to call the office at (845) 855-5304 to discuss any of these rules and regulations or any other issues concerning the policies of the cemetery.